Lender Information
Status Level
Submission Agent
Kevin Dear
Submit Direct With Velocity
Portal Login
Portal Website
How to Send Documents
Email Documents Directly to your Underwriter Michael
Rate Holds
Pre-Approvals are good for 120days, they are not underwritten and are a rate hold only
Quick Tip--If you have a pre-approval your clients are not eligible for our promo rates
Stated Income on both the A and the B Side--Call Kim for Full Details 604-649-5544
Transfers--See Below for Quick Tips
INSURED, original funding date prior to Oct 16, 2017:
You CAN qualify on contract rate for 5 year fixed term
You CAN have a property value>$1M
You CAN transfer the amortization as is
INSURABLE and UNINSURABLE, original funding date prior to Nov 30, 2017:
You CAN transfer
You CAN qualify on contract rate for a 5 year fixed term
You CAN have a property value over or under $1M
You CAN have a max amortization of 25 years. (You can reduce amortization to 25 years at the time of transfer to meet requirement)
Did you know:
Street has no minimum term to transfer - Clients can choose a 1-5 year term
No fee transfer on Standard Charge Mortgages
No rate premium added to collateral transfers
We will consider capitalizing up to $3000 in fees into the new mortgage amount: =<90%LTV Fees can include penalty from previous financial institution. For both standard and collateral charge mortgages
Client Paid insurance premium can be added to the mortgage at the time of transfer! Resulting in an INSURED mortgage = INSURED rates! AND future insured rates for client.
Common Sense Lending