My Real Estate Listing Site gets Launched

Origin Mortgage Advisors are working to help their best referral partners promote their newest real estate listings with a digital listing that can be easily shared and found online. It also doesn’t hurt for each listing to become its own unique URL, improving the Google rankings and other search engine optimization. In addition each listing has links back to current mortgage rates and demonstrates to prospective buyers their monthly payments and income required for qualifying based on varying down payments.

Each web page can be custom designed to display a photo of the home together with links to virtual tours, floor plans, photo arrays and blogs to name a few. These links always go back to the realtors main website. The ability to share these web pages on social media networks like Facebook and Twitter is as simple as one click of a button. If you are looking at new and improved means to promote your real estate listings, expand their reach, and provide prospective buyers with details on the ease of acquiring the home through mortgage terms, you should check out this new website at and if you like what you see talk to your Mortgage Advisor about getting your profile set up on this exciting new site.